April 2nd 2006 part one
Some images from the forest garden taken today, 2/4/2006
A very unsettled day, verging between sunshine and showers and at times very windy. I had hoped to do some work, mainly pulling up grass to use as mulch around newly planted (Feb) trees, but the grass was not yet long enough, and also the ground was too wet. I did put in a few raspberry canes that I'd dug up from my other allotment, where we had manged to get about half our onion sets in beforehand.
I also mananged to fit in dropping the compost toilet DVCAM master in to my friend Chris Izod of Vidia Productions, who can hopefully put it onto DVD so that I will at last be able to make it more cheaply avavilable in DVD format.

Cherry plum in flower at plot edge

Daffs in flower at last!

Eleagnus and family apple tree originally from my mum's garden

Plot boundary. Note cut bramble used as dead hedging to prevent further bramble incursion from neighbouring plot.

Contorted hazel, originally bought in Chelmsford market
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